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Nozemi 01-28-2021 09:28 PM

Donations & Task List
We've gotten a few requests from people wishing to throw some money at Dodian to support it. We do appreciate that a lot, and would love to take donations. However I personally have denied every request for that because Dodian is in no shape to be worth spending money on at the moment.

However, what needs to be done for donations to be worth (in my opinion), is to complete the new server. Which brings me to the idea of setting up a list of tasks that needs doing, then let the community vote by putting money towards a task they want to see completed. Then since the server and client is open source, whoever completes the task will be receiving the bounty on that task.

If we were to do this, we'd have to make some conditions on certain tasks. Like no content-based tasks can be completed before the server core itself is ready and completed. It would also be crucial that enough people are actually this invested in Dodian that they'd wish to spend a worthwhile amount of money towards this, so someone would actually fulfill tasks.

Please leave your votes in the poll attached to this thread. If you have input on the matter, please leave it in the comments!

Jabast 01-29-2021 04:07 AM

Voted no for now, as I personally can't miss any money during this pandemic due to not having a job.

Goku 01-29-2021 01:09 PM

I voted yes and this is only yes IF the server/new server is restarting from scratch and a huge push to get people to join the project so we can average a lot of players

If we stay locked at the stats we are at now, I will never donate, nor come back.

Nozemi 01-29-2021 03:49 PM


Originally Posted by Goku (Post 2679)
I voted yes and this is only yes IF the server/new server is restarting from scratch and a huge push to get people to join the project so we can average a lot of players

If we stay locked at the stats we are at now, I will never donate, nor come back.

Now this has to be considered. We need to find a good approach to this. We've promised not to reset anyone, so if we wanted to do that, we'd need to find the best compromise for all parts. Though without a proper server, nothing else matters either way. So let's take one step at a time :)

Goku 01-29-2021 07:16 PM

Well let me know because I'd donate to advertising and server refresh.. new forums

hieko 01-30-2021 02:07 PM

i think a lot of what drives people is the race to highscores and maxing so if you guys were to clean up the server a bit then reset and release it with bountied updates i think it would be a cool idea, maybe add post 99 levels(126 is 200m i believe?) or a prestiging of sorts since people like that grind like after you get all to 99 you can prestidge and reset with a prestidge rank up(lvl 1 2 3 etc)

Nozemi 01-31-2021 10:00 PM


Originally Posted by hieko (Post 2682)
i think a lot of what drives people is the race to highscores and maxing so if you guys were to clean up the server a bit then reset and release it with bountied updates i think it would be a cool idea, maybe add post 99 levels(126 is 200m i believe?) or a prestiging of sorts since people like that grind like after you get all to 99 you can prestidge and reset with a prestidge rank up(lvl 1 2 3 etc)

Can definitely look into making Dodian more interesting, but resetting Dodian is not a long term solution.

So I'm more interested in knowing whether or not people would like this kind of solution. Where we put out tasks that needs to be developed, and the community can vote (with money, creating a bounty) for what they want the most. Then someone can complete those tasks and receive that money. Meaning those who say "if that and that, then sure" is not what I'm looking for :P

Goku 02-01-2021 02:44 PM

I'll put 100$ in for advertising and a reset.

junkbot 02-03-2021 12:37 PM

If there is a reset. Why not find a way to give those before the reset who were in the top 20-25 in each skill untradeable customisation items exclusive to them and never to be given out again. :) As for donating. I would legit make it a subscription like $1, $2, $5 per month with different options or unlocks. The cheaper you go the more likely people with donate or subscribe to something.

Cache 02-04-2021 06:33 AM

All are good suggestions, thanks for taking the time out to post them :)

Kuzmin 02-04-2021 11:30 AM

Instead of a reset, consider halving the XP every quarter. If data is stored in MySQL, the query to halve XP should be simple. I can help with writing it LOL.

As far as the items, that's trickier. Possibly converting all items to GP and based on top 3/10/25/50/100 people with most GP, they get a starter pack for the next quarter.

The numbers of people who will get it will be based on how many active players there are over the quarter. Maybe 10%?

As far donating, I wouldn't mind, but I would like to see the backlog of tasks first. I may prefer to contribute to development and testing.

Raggamasta 02-04-2021 01:01 PM

Although my account is pretty shite, I would not want to do all that grind again for no reason.

Donations OK
Reset = NO GO

Goku 02-04-2021 01:40 PM

Resetting will bring more players than we will lose. It's a fact. When Dodian resets we get 60-100 online.. we need to do that and then focus on keeping those players and proactively bringing new players before those old players stop playing.

Pro Noob 02-04-2021 03:07 PM

You will not gain more people by resetting people's progress. You will gain people with constant trying to do fun stuff within the game.
I do agree that we have a lack of this, but maybe in the future we can arrange something.

Jabast 02-05-2021 06:29 AM


Originally Posted by Goku (Post 2689)
Resetting will bring more players than we will lose. It's a fact. When Dodian resets we get 60-100 online.. we need to do that and then focus on keeping those players and proactively bringing new players before those old players stop playing.

What have you been smoking to think dodian would attract 60-100 players when reset? 30 at most. Besides, even considering a reset at this right moment will kill the server instantly and give the current players no intent to play anymore. I think we should consider looking at different options.

Cache 02-05-2021 07:54 AM

Remember guys this thread isn't a poll on whether or not we should reset the server. To be honest a reset should've never been mentioned.

Jabast 02-05-2021 08:31 AM


Originally Posted by Cache (Post 2692)
Remember guys this thread isn't a poll on whether or not we should reset the server. To be honest a reset should've never been mentioned.

Exactly my thoughts, we've mentioned this from as soon as we launched that resetting was out of the question. I'm not sure why would change that now, we shouldn't break promises.

Aqolex 02-05-2021 05:11 PM

I've would donate for some updates & advertising!

Fabrice L 02-06-2021 10:42 PM

Dance baby dance, I dance with Nozemi for this song hehehe

Cache 02-07-2021 04:19 AM


Originally Posted by Fabrice L (Post 2695)
Dance baby dance, I dance with Nozemi for this song hehehe

What about me :confused:

Fabrice L 02-07-2021 12:27 PM


Originally Posted by Cache (Post 2696)
What about me :confused:

Just keep dancing on your own :P

Nozemi 02-09-2021 04:19 PM


Originally Posted by Goku (Post 2689)
Resetting will bring more players than we will lose. It's a fact. When Dodian resets we get 60-100 online.. we need to do that and then focus on keeping those players and proactively bringing new players before those old players stop playing.

Your numbers are highly exaggerated. I would see Dodian peak around 50 (if lucky) with a reset and official launch date. However we'll be back to where we are now within a month. This has been attempted at least 10 times over the past 10 years, so I can say with confidence that a reset alone won't help us and is not a topic we want to discuss with this announcement.

Before we even consider changing or bringing in new content, we need to finish the new source, then test it and make sure it's all working well. At this point we're ready to start working on new content. New content is what we need in order to retain (new) players.

Compromise with reset we could figure out something else. Perhaps something along the lines of selling your skills for items. I don't know, but I do agree that we need to do something to make the grinding more fun, but without making everyone repeat the same thing over yet again.


Originally Posted by Kuzmin (Post 2687)
Instead of a reset, consider halving the XP every quarter. If data is stored in MySQL, the query to halve XP should be simple. I can help with writing it LOL.

As far as the items, that's trickier. Possibly converting all items to GP and based on top 3/10/25/50/100 people with most GP, they get a starter pack for the next quarter.

The numbers of people who will get it will be based on how many active players there are over the quarter. Maybe 10%?

As far donating, I wouldn't mind, but I would like to see the backlog of tasks first. I may prefer to contribute to development and testing.

Contribution development-wise is probably the best kind of community contribution at the moment. This is why I chose to open source the game server and client. Though it doesn't seem like a lot of people want to dive into the Git stuff, with pull requests and all that. Maybe I just didn't document it well enough, I could look into doing that though.

Right now the only backlog is to finish the new server and client, so we can make sure everything runs smoothly and is ready to have content added. Also a system where we can have tasks and donate towards them is not yet in place, and would have to find a solution to do that, or make one.

We probably also would be wise to replace the current website with something more modern and robust. This would probably involve a lot of work because we'd want to convert the Artakus theme to work with whatever else we came up with.


Think we've gathered the answers we need.

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