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I skill now 09-27-2020 12:49 AM

Dodian throwback memories..
I have a couple for ya!
-Remember when Colin was granted mod, and within 15 minutes he had pruned the forums?

-When Noles was banned for accepting RSGP to unban banned accounts?

-When A noony Moose was not who he said he was..

Kleine 10-13-2020 03:59 PM

I remember

Nozemi 10-14-2020 03:30 AM

Don't think I remember any of those.

However I do remember when Dodian was good! xD

KxWarrior 10-16-2020 05:14 PM

I remember when half the people who said they were girls were actually dudes. Good times.

Uhh .... I remember burning willow logs to go to lumbridge...or Frank making his character black so he could hide wearing items.

Hard to remember everything

Unlighten 11-04-2020 11:02 AM

Some of my favorites:
Staking (whip/box)
Active forum
Justine hacking the forum and whiping it clean
Guthans, Webber, Smart, Yarik, and Skate just to name a few old friends
Client feature: Amgzzz "username" has logged in

Zman 11-11-2020 12:42 PM

When Frank duped 500 whips and dropped them around yanille

Cache 11-12-2020 01:44 PM

I just remember skate running back and forth to the anvils at Yanille :)

I skill now 11-12-2020 04:40 PM


Originally Posted by Cache (Post 2392)
I just remember skate running back and forth to the anvils at Yanille :)

Me too haha

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