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Updated Price Guide
Note: Current GP in circulation - 2.4B
Weapons: Melee: Rune Scim: 100k Granite Maul: 250k Dragon Long: 500k DBA: 1M Dragon Scim: 2M D2H: 4M (this dragon item has a chance of healing) Abby Whip: 20-30M [Current max with full melee is 38 - DFH, DFS, whip, barrows gloves, ring of charos, full skele, fury, d boots, and skill cape] Range: Magic Shortbow: 100k Crystal Bow: 2-3M (it has been pointed out that the DPS of magic shortbow is higher than the crystal bow at the moment due to the arrow speed) Seercull: 50M+ Rune Arrows: 3k ea Addy Arrows: 2k ea Mith Arrows: 1k ea Steel Arrows: 500 ea Iron Arrows: 150 ea Bronze Arrows: 150 ea [Current max with full range is 48 - spined top and bottom, ranger set, rune arrows, fury, ring of charos, seercull, barrows gloves, and book of balance with same tick speed as whip] Mage: God Staves: 250k from general store Ancient Staff: 3M Master Wand: 50M+ Bloods: 2k ea Natures: 1k ea Cosmic: 10k ea [Current max with full mage is 55 no crit no pot with ice barrage and 54 with blood - full infinity (can use ice gloves instead of infin gloves [ice gives +1 spell bonus]), fury, ring of charos, master wand, holy book, and skill point cape with range being about 1.1-1.2 times faster in dps] Armor: Melee: DFS: 40M Unholy Book: 25M (same str as DFS, but little to no defense) DFH: 20M Dragon Boots: 20M Skele Top/Bottoms: 15M ea Barrows gloves: 15M Dragon Gloves: 1M Crystal Shield: 3M Dragon Pieces: 1M ea Beserker Helm: 1M Warrior Helm: 250k Rune Pieces: 100k ea Range: Spined Top: 35M Spined Bottom: 35M Spined Helm, Boots, & Gloves: 20M ea Robin Hat: 20M Robin Boots: 20M Book of Balance: 35M Archer Helm: 1M Black D'Hide Pieces: 100k ea Mage: Infinity Top/Bottom: 35M Infinity Hat: 30M Infinity Boots: 20M Infinity Gloves: 10M Ice Gloves: 5M (Infinity gloves are rarer, but ice gloves currently have +1 spell bonus on them at the moment. This reflects that atm.) Holy Book: 35M Mystic Pieces: 250k ea Accessories: Fury: 50M Ring of Charos: 15M Glory: 10M Ring of Wealth: 15M Beserker Necklace: 25M Strength Necklace: 100k Power Necklace: 50k Consumables: Food: Lobs/Swords/Monks: 500 ea Shark: 2k ea Turtle: 3k ea Manta: 4k ea Pots: Ranging Pot: 25k ea Super Pots: 25k ea Mage Pot: 25k ea Misc: Skill Lamps: 1M-2M ea Chef's Hat: 1M Cooking Guants: 1M Highway Mask: 500k Santa: 3-5M Rares: Phats: Phat set: 1B (Only 3 completed, so inflated from piece price of 825M) Christmas Cracker: 250M Green Phat: 175M Purple Phat: 150M Blue Phat: 125M White Phat: 125M Red Phat: 125M Yellow Phat: 125M Misc: Deco Plate: 125M Deco Legs: 125M Deco Sword: 150M Fire Cape: 100M Rubber Chicken: 50M Black/Tan Cavs: 25M ea Black/White/Blue Berets: 25M ea Pirate Hat: 15M All skillers: Please let me know what y'all would believe the skilling items would be best priced at and I'll add those. |
What cash sink has happened?
I'll be chilling just updating what I can. |
The details I'm not concerned with. |
Arrows pricing is also incorrect: [Rune arrows 3k] Adamant arrows: 2k [Mithril arrows: 1k] steel arrows(in bulk not from the shop which is limited): 500gp [Iron arrows: 150gp] |
What do you think about seercull and master wand? Adjust those to reflect a similar price as the whip? |
Seercull: 50m+
Master Wand: 50m+ |
Thanks g. |
Updated to reflect new prices on berserker necklace & skill lamps due to new update from Sept. 22nd.
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