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Pro Noob 07-15-2019 02:53 AM

Island of Brimhaven
1 Attachment(s)
As soon in the image, the idea is that you need to get a ship ticket.
This ship ticket will then take you to this Brimhaven island.
Here you can see various things such as:
  • Gray area will be a entrance to a dungeon
  • Green area will be tribesman that will be hunted for a rare item. not sure yet which.
  • Dark red area will be gold ores stationary for those that wish for a alternative
  • REd marker will be a blockage for now as no other content for this area

Here you will find various creature that will drop stuff for your herblore training.
Also deep inside I suggest we add end game bosses.
  • Karil (level 80 range gear), Can only be hurt by melee.
  • Guthan (Level 80 melee gear with healing effect), Can only be hurt by magic.
  • Dharok (Level 80 gear with the lower hp the higher hits), Can only be hurt by magic.
  • Ahrim (Level 80 magic gear), Can only be hurt by range.
These armor could either decay or not decay.
*Note* These are just suggestions and is not to be polled until you guys are satisfied. So feel free to comment what you think.

Jabast 07-15-2019 04:20 PM

As for herblore, I think any update is very welcome to make it a bit less stale and boring. Barrows part seems cool since it forces people to train different styles other than melee.

Pro Noob 07-22-2019 06:32 AM

More ideas:
"Drops: Decorative items - Tier Gold 50 - Red 60 - Blue 70" - Savegeboiii
Berserker, warrior, archer and seers rings.
Dragon pickaxe, dragon axe.
Firecape challenge where you fight 10 waves of creatures just to face jad at the end. Jad drops 100% firecape along with 1% chance for a uncut onyx or dragonstone.

Ivan 07-22-2019 04:35 PM

The decorative items and adding another monster that will drop dragonstones is a little off-putting...

Savageboiii 07-22-2019 05:47 PM


Originally Posted by Ivan (Post 1412)
The decorative items and adding another monster that will drop dragonstones is a little off-putting...

I think it's quite fair , it's discontinued and players that got it before the boss was removed have a bigger advantage same goes to fire cape. Not to mention Skele is iconic bis Dodian set.

I'm a big fan of the rings though. Not so much of Barrows tbh.
Maybe lower the Skele droprate instead and make it to bis and add Barrows as a runner up gear?
It's just so iconic, it would be a shame if it becomes like tier 3 armor, would be quite sad.

Pro Noob 08-11-2019 08:39 PM

Another drop idea is to give these mobs dragon arrow tip and dart tip aswell as dragons in the rest of the world. This is to help people get higher tier arrows.

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