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Nozemi 03-17-2019 02:42 PM

Another Alpha
TL;DR: There won't be a reset!
Some of you have been asking about a reset when the new server launches. That won't be necessary, as transferring characters is easy and takes a few minutes to complete.


This is not going to be a pleasant experience if you expect to play and have fun. This is just to show that we're actually making some progress.

You can download the new client here:

Expect problems! I experienced one issue at legends guild, which is when you click one of the guards, your client will crash (we'll fix that).

Most of the areas are at least accessible now, so you can go around and try things out, see how this feels.

There are lots of missing content, and there will be lots of QoL type of updates for stuff that we have already added, so keep that in mind!

Anyway, I really hate when things are halfassed, so I took the time to redo the ancient spell book and renamed the spells appropriately etc.

I also took the time to redo the client's title screen, so now it looks like a gray version of our website.

Cheetah 03-18-2019 04:49 AM

It won't download for me.

Nozemi 03-18-2019 05:05 AM


Originally Posted by Cheetah (Post 940)
It won't download for me.

What won't download for you? The file is hosted on Google Drive, and is a .zip file.

You need to unzip the client JAR file and the cache directory (found in the ZIP) to the same folder, so the client finds it.

Later on I will make the cache download automagically from our website.

Vee 03-18-2019 03:01 PM


Expect problems! I experienced one issue at legends guild, which is when you click one of the guards, your client will crash (we'll fix that).

This is fixed now. ENJOY!

Nightleaf 03-18-2019 04:17 PM

I got a virus from this. I need a

Nozemi 03-18-2019 05:13 PM


Originally Posted by Nightleaf (Post 947)

Now that I have successfully reached my target machine, I will inject a script that will force you to work on Exorth. So every time you try to do work on Minerva, your PC will switch back to Exorth.

Everyone else; don't worry! This virus was designed to target Nightleaf. So it would not do anything unless, it reached his computer(s).

That was a big ass potion though! With that size, it might actually counter my virus :(

McTubbz 03-19-2019 12:17 AM

Very exciting! Thanks a bunch

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