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Pro Noob 07-02-2019 12:13 PM

Update 7:2:2019
  • Heroes guild doors can now be open.
  • Runite rock inside the heroes dungeon can now be mined. These require level 85 mining.
  • Dad can now be attackable at level 50 combat instead of 60.
  • Fixed a issue where it would increase your damage in more then one place so that ::max would show incorrect maxhit damage.
  • You can no longer noclip whenever you load a new region.
  • Black and Greater demon now require you to have the crystal key in your inventory to hurt them.
  • Thieving farmers have now been given a random value instead of a static every server restart. Same goes to the stalls that gave coins.
If you find any issues post it here
If you have any suggestions to be polled post it here
Do not forget to vote in the current poll!

Ivan 07-02-2019 02:21 PM

Very nice updates and quickly added. I think these few updates are necessary as well.

brandon401 07-05-2019 12:36 AM

Your to humble. great job but already a ton of glitches fixed that you haven't mentioned yet and stat adjustments on gear + emotes. Impatiently waiting on this long anticipated and long over due update. big thumbs up xD

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