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Pro Noob 12-13-2019 12:42 PM

Update 12/13 - 2019
We have now updated the client due to old one had way to many issues.
You will have to download the new jar here or click the 'play now!' button in the navigation.

With the new client we have done some updates
  • Fishing spots options now tell you what fish they are for. Trout is for Trout / salmon!
  • Rocks now tells you their ore name (For example Coal rocks)
  • Yell chat is now its own seperate chat. Also staff have a crown to their name!
    - On, Friends only, Off (Staff will always be displayed here!)
  • Hold down shift click now put drop option on the top.
  • Keys 1 - 5 can now be used in option dialogue
  • Press spacebar now continues a dialogue.
  • Esc key to close open interfaces
  • HP orb have now been added for you to see how much hp you currently have
  • You can examine any npc with combat level to see how much 1k kills could yield, as long as they got a loot
*Note* Because dragon boots have different item id, contact a admin to trade in your overload to retrieve a pair of dragon boots!

  • Fixed an issue where npcs could attack you from any distance
  • Fixed death functions for a player
  • Npcs no longer attack you when you died
  • Fixed a issue with magic not checking your distance towards the enemy
  • Removed two spells on normal spellbook that was not intended vs a npc
  • Made rune essence mining a little faster
  • Added a prevention from trading near king black dragon.

Got any server or client issue post them here.
Got any suggestions post them here

Fixed a issue with java 9. If you downloaded it prio to that, please redownload and it should fix the mouse clicks.

Artur 12-13-2019 04:27 PM

Good work Moo!

Brucie 12-13-2019 04:58 PM

cant get it to work on my pc...

Pro Noob 12-13-2019 05:20 PM


Originally Posted by Brucie (Post 1847)
cant get it to work on my pc...

What is the issue you are getting?

Brucie 12-13-2019 05:31 PM

un able to install there are errors in the following switches (shows dodian file )

Pro Noob 12-13-2019 05:43 PM


Originally Posted by Brucie (Post 1849)
un able to install there are errors in the following switches (shows dodian file )

You are just suppose to run a jar file. There is nothing to install.

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