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Goku 04-27-2023 04:13 AM

Delete my account
You guys keep deleting my comments which are nothing but constructive criticism and nearly the only engagement you receive anyways; combining that with complete restrictiveness on forum posts, you mise well delete my account. This is ridiculous and won't be a part of this any longer.

Pro Noob 04-27-2023 09:44 AM

The posts got deleted for being off topic, nothing else.
I was asking for feedback from testing jad not suggestions on what to do with the game.
Feel free to post another thread addressing it, I would not mind but please do not fill the jad testing thread with it.

Nozemi 04-27-2023 10:08 AM

We won’t delete your account. You’re blowing this out of proportions. I already sent you a private message letting you know what happened and why.

You are always easy to anger, I don’t know why, but please try to see that even though you think it’s ridiculous, that is your opinion. Which means someone else might have another opinion.

Why is it such a disaster your comments didn’t remain on the post in question? You could’ve just created a new thread? Also “keep deleting your messages”? I’m only aware of two being deleted. First one being off topic, then the second one questioning why the first one was removed.

And now you’re creating a new thread, but not to give constructive criticism, but to stir up drama. You could’ve simply replied with the exact same words to my private message instead of making a public post about a topic nobody else has any insight in.

Like I said; no hard feelings from us, nothing personal. So no need to make it be something it’s not. :)

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