Hello! I'm making this announcement to show-off what I've been doing the past couple weeks, on and off. It hasn't been a lot of progress, I'll admit that much! However, it has enabled me to learn new stuff that is very useful on the adventure of creating an OSRS server for Dodian.
Among what I've learned is to setup RuneLite for an OSRS server (which is super simple!), then I've learned quite a bit about rev upgrading from older RS revisions to newer, or other way around if you for whatever reason wanted to.
So with the new addition to OSRS RuneLite client, namely the 117HD-plugin. I wanted to both do a rev upgrade to OSRS #199 rev and test that plugin with the RuneLite on my OSRS project. I've done that.
Some media:

Also here is an example of how you can change the gameframe for the game.