1. DAD
2. Abyssal Guardian
3. San Tojalon
4. Black Knight Titan
5. Head Mourners
6. Ice Queen
7. Ungadulu
8. Nechryael
9. Evil Chicken
10. Black Demon
11. Jad
I will not be showing what each boss drops unless you need that drop to get to the next boss. Example: Red key from Dad to get to San Tojalon. There is already a drop list on website located here:
1 & 2. Dad and Abyssal Guardian
Both Abyssal Guardian and Dad Drop
Red Key.
3 & 4. San Tojalon & Black Knight Titan
First, you need
Red Key to get to San Tojalon. You can get this from Dad and Abyssal Guardian.
In order to get to Black Knight Titan you need to get
Orange Key drop from San Tojalon.
Have red key in inventory when going down the stairs to red key dungeon.
Where San Tojalon and Black Knight Titan are in dugeon:
5. Head Mourners
You need 70 Slayer to kill Head Mourners off task.
How to get there:
First, talk to Mazchna in Taverly at the sword shop icon on mini map and have him teleport you to West Ardougne.
6. Ice Queen
To get to the dungeon just jump over the rocks west of the actual dungeon in the location map.
7. Ungadulu
Teleport to Taverly then go south.
8. Nechryael
This Boss is
Premium Only.
Teleport to Legends Guild and talk to one of the guards to open the gate.
Enter Dungeon inside the Guild.
9. Evil Chicken
First, Type ::stalls to teleport you to Thieving stalls in East Ardougne.
Head West into the Zoo.
10. Black Demon
For this boss we need a crystal key. To make the crystal key we need to get 2 crystal halves. 1 crystal half from Skeletal Hell Hounds and the other from Lesser demons.
To put the 2 crystal half together to make crystal key you need
60 crafting too.
Everything you need for this boss is in Taverly dungeon.
11. Jad
You will need a
Ship Ticket for this boss.
To get ship Ticket you can kill 3 types of monsters to receive it.
Hellhounds (Recommended), Fire Giants, or Mummies.
Hellhounds are in the Nechryael Dungeon.
Fire Giants are in the Red key dungeon.
Mummies are also in the Red key Dungeon, but you will need orange key to get to them.
Location: When you have ship ticket teleport to Catherby and go across the Gangplank located here:
Then Jad is very close in the market area of Port Phasmatys.