I was wondering if it was possible to play Dodian on an Android device?
I did som digging, and found out that in order to run .jar files you need to download an app from Play Store called: "J2ME - Loader".
With this you are able to run those files in an emulated version.
But, when i tried to run it, it said: "Invalid Manifest", which must be the Manifest.mf file in the .jar file that doesnt work correctly with it.
I then tried to find some random java game on the web, which i downloaded to the device and ran it without any problems. So the App works, but just not with the DodianClient.jar file (i did test with some other rsps servers as well, just to check, which also didnt work).
I don't know if this would be possible for you to do, but if you could just take a look at it, i would be very happy. And i believe i would not be the only one