Added prime to Taverly dungeon. This boss requires 90 slayer to be attacked.
Added Tzhaar to Taverly dungeon. this monster requires a task to be killed.
Added beginner store in Yanille, Aubury is magic, Bow sales man in magic guild is range and Horvik at the anvil area is melee.
Added shortcuts in Taverly dungeon, the pipe is 60 and the ground is 80.
Vannaka slayer have been added. You can find Vannaka in Catherby. The task table is currently:
Added bonus xp from completing a slayer task. It is (npc's health * starting amount) / 10. Example: Tzhaar have 155 health and you got 65 to slay, you'll get 1007.5 but scaled down to 1007 xp.
Made it so all monsters in Taverly dungeon now require a task to kill (except prime)
Added onyx crafting + enchanting.
Note that due to the slayer update, you'll have to get a new task when you login!
Fixes- Fixed so that slayer monsters have a 90 second spawn timer. Because of
this I removed the kill announcements for these bosses.
- Autocast saving have been fixed.
- Dragon hide is now 100% drop rate instead of uncommon.
- Cooking now cooks all your food that you used on the stove.
- Removed hard leather from Tanner.
- Fixed yell color for staff.
- Fixed so woodcutting stop whenever you start fletching something.
- Fixed so smelting now have a level check aswell as smelt 28 instead of 27 whenever you click on smelt-x.
- Fixed so you can now click on the smelter instead of just having to use a ore on it.
- Fixed so it no longer prompt a message whenever you try to smith with full inventory.
- Replaced / added new drops to some npcs.
- Fixed d2h animations and added more range bonus to leather body.
- Fixed the special effect for whip and d2h to be working as intended.
- Fixed the slayer cape emote so it no longer freezes the client.
- Fixed that you can now offer more then 1 at a time on none stackable items.
- Fixed so that you can pickup stackable items with full inventory as long as you got the items in your inventory and it do not pass the maximum value (2147m)
- Replaced the farming cape with slayer cape in the skillcape store.
- Updated information to the skill menu's